Date Offset  [+30][+10][+05][+01][-01][-05][-10]

Exporting to grid by 0.424 kW
03/13/2025 08:41 (1751 days) Production Consumption NET Usage
Now 0.643 kW 0.219 kW -0.424 kW
Today 0.462 kWh (0.053 kW) 1.892 kWh (0.218 kW) 1.430 kWh (0.164 kW)
  - This Week 94.891 kWh (21.752 kWh/day) 24.667 kWh (5.655 kWh/day) -70.224 kWh (-16.098 kWh/day)
  - This Month 252.532 kWh (20.426 kWh/day) 88.163 kWh (7.131 kWh/day) -164.369 kWh (-13.295 kWh/day)
  - This Year 0.883 MWh (12.376 kWh/day) 1.007 MWh (14.114 kWh/day) 0.124 MWh (1.738 kWh/day)
Yesterday 19.311 kWh (0.805 kW) 5.461 kWh (0.228 kW) -13.850 kWh (-0.577 kW)
Last 7 Days 158.678 kWh (22.668 kWh/day) 41.840 kWh (5.977 kWh/day) -116.838 kWh (-16.691 kWh/day)
Last 30 Days 513.035 kWh (17.101 kWh/day) 256.777 kWh (8.559 kWh/day) -256.258 kWh (-8.542 kWh/day)
Last One Year 6.811 MWh (18.661 kWh/day) 6.066 MWh (16.619 kWh/day) -0.746 MWh (-2.043 kWh/day)
Lifetime Since PTO 30.334 MWh (17.320 kW/day) 32.959 MWh (18.819 kW/day) 2.625 MWh (1.499 kW/day)
Lifetime Since Install 30.368 MWh 33.539 MWh 3.171 MWh
Voltage/Current 247.9 V / 2.6 A 248.0 V / 0.9 A 247.9 V / -1.7 A
Meter Accumulated Grid Votlage

Recent Report Data/Time 03/03/2025 23:04 (11.3 hours) Number of Devices 16 set
Current Power 0.000 kW (0.000 kW/panel) Today Energy 25.273 kWh
Group Serial Number Model Status Power (kW) [Flag] Energy (kWh) [Monthly] Group
Now Max Today Yesterday 7 days Average Total
porch 01 - 202232127871 IQ7+ VCOP 0.000 0.289 1.851 1.918 9.445 0.000 kW
1.790 kWh
0.000 kW
10.740 kWh
02 - 202244177619 IQ7+M VCOP 0.000 0.277 1.756 1.823 8.979
03 - 202224101754 IQ7+M VCOP 0.000 0.283 1.812 1.883 9.181
04 - 202232127100 IQ7+ VCOP 0.000 0.284 1.814 1.883 9.320
05 - 202244171601 IQ7+M VCOP 0.000 0.275 1.737 1.803 8.921
06 - 202245013024 IQ7+M VCOP 0.000 0.276 1.771 1.840 9.113
front 07 - 202206091803 IQ7+ VCOP 0.000 0.297 1.811 1.851 9.068 0.000 kW
1.968 kWh
0.000 kW
9.839 kWh
08 - 202245013989 IQ7+M VCOP 0.000 0.297 1.964 2.019 9.839
09 - 202217001404 IQ7+ VCOP 0.000 0.297 2.007 2.064 10.152
10 - 202244165234 IQ7+M VCOP 0.000 0.296 2.026 2.089 10.158
11 - 202224104308 IQ7+M VCOP 0.000 0.297 2.032 2.089 10.158
back 12 - 202211186551 IQ7+ VCOP 0.000 0.185 1.107 1.110 6.094 0.000 kW
1.173 kWh
0.000 kW
4.693 kWh
13 - 202223042463 IQ7+ VCOP 0.000 0.189 1.174 1.187 6.444
14 - 202216155993 IQ7+ VCOP 0.000 0.191 1.210 1.225 6.649
15 - 202245015670 IQ7+M VCOP 0.000 0.189 1.201 1.215 6.609
wind 16 - 122214035120 IQ7PD ---- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 kW
0.000 kWh
0.000 kW
0.000 kWh
Panel Layout Each Group Production
Last 7 days

Charger History
Voltage PV 0.31 V Voltage Charge 52.85 V Current/Power 0.00 A / 0.000 kW
Int/Ext Temp 28.3 °C / 24.6 °C Flags 00/00/00 Energy Today 10.708 kWh @ 2025-03-03 23:57
voltage in/out power and energy internal/external temperature

Battery History
Voltage 53.11 V Current/Power -6.30 A (-0.335 kW)
Remain Capacity/Energy 490.2 Ah (25.1 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 593.1 Ah (30.4 kWh)
State Of Charge 82.7 % State Of Health 98.9 %
Run Time 3d 5h 48m to empty Report Date 2025-03-03 23:57
voltag, current for each battery pack voltage, current, and SOC temperature for each battery pack

Warning: unlink(images/chart_batt1_0.png): No such file or directory in C:\wamp64\www\solar\chart_batteries.php on line 183
JpGraph Error: 25107 Can't write to file "images/chart_batt1_0.png". Check that the process running PHP has enough permission.