Date Offset  [+30][+10][+05][+01][-01][-05][-10][-30]

Importing from grid by 0.405 kW
09/22/2024 05:18 (1579 days) Production Consumption NET Usage
Now 0.000 kW 0.405 kW 0.405 kW
Today 0.000 kWh (0.000 kW) 1.915 kWh (0.361 kW) 1.915 kWh (0.361 kW)
  - This Week 0.000 kWh (0.000 kWh/day) 1.915 kWh (8.669 kWh/day) 1.915 kWh (8.669 kWh/day)
  - This Month 513.371 kWh (24.190 kWh/day) 282.196 kWh (13.297 kWh/day) -231.175 kWh (-10.893 kWh/day)
  - This Year 5.412 MWh (20.404 kWh/day) 4.725 MWh (17.817 kWh/day) -0.686 MWh (-2.587 kWh/day)
Yesterday 21.276 kWh (0.886 kW) 9.860 kWh (0.411 kW) -11.416 kWh (-0.476 kW)
Last 7 Days 139.259 kWh (19.894 kWh/day) 63.793 kWh (9.113 kWh/day) -75.466 kWh (-10.781 kWh/day)
Last 30 Days 703.620 kWh (23.454 kWh/day) 415.306 kWh (13.843 kWh/day) -288.314 kWh (-9.610 kWh/day)
Last One Year 6.557 MWh (17.964 kWh/day) 6.507 MWh (17.828 kWh/day) -0.050 MWh (-0.136 kWh/day)
Lifetime Since PTO 28.134 MWh (17.815 kW/day) 30.405 MWh (19.253 kW/day) 2.270 MWh (1.438 kW/day)
Lifetime Since Install 28.168 MWh 30.985 MWh 2.816 MWh
Voltage/Current 250.9 V / 0.0 A 250.8 V / 1.6 A 250.8 V / 1.6 A
Meter Accumulated Grid Votlage

Recent Report Data/Time 08/24/2023 23:33 (12.5 hours) Number of Devices 16 set
Current Power 0.000 kW (0.000 kW/panel) Today Energy 5.430 kWh
Group Serial Number Model Status Power (kW) [Flag] Energy (kWh) [Monthly] Group
Now Max Today Yesterday 7 days Average Total
porch 01 - 202232127871 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.079 0.302 1.812 12.050 0.000 kW
0.291 kWh
0.000 kW
1.749 kWh
02 - 202244177619 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.077 0.283 1.720 11.386
03 - 202224101754 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.081 0.299 1.783 11.811
04 - 202232127100 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.078 0.298 1.809 12.005
05 - 202244171601 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.074 0.278 1.716 11.025
06 - 202245013024 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.079 0.289 1.767 11.562
front 07 - 202206091803 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.071 0.268 1.801 11.576 0.000 kW
0.271 kWh
0.000 kW
1.355 kWh
08 - 202245013989 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.072 0.271 1.816 11.532
09 - 202217001404 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.072 0.272 1.801 11.495
10 - 202244165234 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.072 0.272 1.788 11.635
11 - 202224104308 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.073 0.272 1.822 11.853
back 12 - 202211186551 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.070 0.276 1.449 10.220 0.000 kW
0.298 kWh
0.000 kW
1.191 kWh
13 - 202223042463 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.073 0.293 1.486 10.290
14 - 202216155993 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.077 0.310 1.529 10.676
15 - 202245015670 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.078 0.312 1.530 10.674
wind 16 - 122214035120 IQ7PD ---- 0.000 0.230 1.134 1.127 7.812 0.000 kW
1.134 kWh
0.000 kW
1.134 kWh
Panel Layout Each Group Production

Battery History
Voltage 52.09 V Current/Power -1.77 A (-92 W)
Remain Capacity/Energy 114.0 Ah (5.8 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 593.1 Ah (30.4 kWh)
State Of Charge 19.2 % State Of Health 98.9 %
Run Time 2d 16h 24m to empty Report Date 2023-08-24 23:56
voltag, current for each battery pack voltage, current, and SOC temperature for each battery pack

Voltage 52.07 V Cell (MIN/MAX) 3.239 V / 3.264 V (0.025 V)
Current/Power -0.63 A (-32 W) Runtime 2d 12h 19m to empty
Remain Capacity/Energy 38.0 Ah (1.9 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 197.7 Ah (10.1 kWh)
State Of Charge 19.2 % State Of Health 98.8 %
Temperature 25.0 °C Cycle 116
MOSFET CFET = ON, DFET = ON Reported 2023-08-24 23:56
Cell #01 Cell #02 Cell #03 Cell #04 Cell #05 Cell #06 Cell #07 Cell #08
3.239 V 3.248 V 3.248 V 3.248 V 3.253 V 3.251 V 3.255 V 3.252 V
Cell #09 Cell #10 Cell #11 Cell #12 Cell #13 Cell #14 Cell #15 Cell #16
3.255 V 3.254 V 3.257 V 3.255 V 3.256 V 3.263 V 3.264 V 3.260 V
pack voltage and current cell voltages
pack temperature
Voltage 52.09 V Cell (MIN/MAX) 3.251 V / 3.261 V (0.010 V)
Current/Power 0.00 A (0 W) Runtime Stand-by
Remain Capacity/Energy 35.6 Ah (1.8 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 99.5 Ah (5.1 kWh)
State Of Charge 35.8 % State Of Health 99.5 %
Temperature 24.8 °C Cycle 61
MOSFET CFET = ON, DFET = ON Reported 2023-08-24 23:59
Cell #01 Cell #02 Cell #03 Cell #04 Cell #05 Cell #06 Cell #07 Cell #08
3.257 V 3.252 V 3.257 V 3.251 V 3.258 V 3.258 V 3.252 V 3.261 V
Cell #09 Cell #10 Cell #11 Cell #12 Cell #13 Cell #14 Cell #15 Cell #16
3.253 V 3.252 V 3.258 V 3.258 V 3.257 V 3.255 V 3.258 V 3.253 V
pack voltage and current cell voltages
pack temperature
Voltage 52.11 V Cell (MIN/MAX) 3.251 V / 3.261 V (0.010 V)
Current/Power 0.00 A (0 W) Runtime Stand-by
Remain Capacity/Energy 34.7 Ah (1.8 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 99.5 Ah (5.1 kWh)
State Of Charge 34.9 % State Of Health 99.5 %
Temperature 25.7 °C Cycle 65
MOSFET CFET = ON, DFET = ON Reported 2023-08-24 23:56
Cell #01 Cell #02 Cell #03 Cell #04 Cell #05 Cell #06 Cell #07 Cell #08
3.257 V 3.257 V 3.258 V 3.252 V 3.258 V 3.254 V 3.259 V 3.259 V
Cell #09 Cell #10 Cell #11 Cell #12 Cell #13 Cell #14 Cell #15 Cell #16
3.258 V 3.261 V 3.259 V 3.258 V 3.255 V 3.251 V 3.256 V 3.255 V
pack voltage and current cell voltages
pack temperature
Voltage 52.09 V Cell (MIN/MAX) 3.250 V / 3.259 V (0.009 V)
Current/Power 0.00 A (0 W) Runtime Stand-by
Remain Capacity/Energy 34.5 Ah (1.8 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 99.5 Ah (5.1 kWh)
State Of Charge 34.7 % State Of Health 99.5 %
Temperature 26.0 °C Cycle 66
MOSFET CFET = ON, DFET = ON Reported 2023-08-24 23:59
Cell #01 Cell #02 Cell #03 Cell #04 Cell #05 Cell #06 Cell #07 Cell #08
3.250 V 3.257 V 3.254 V 3.259 V 3.255 V 3.257 V 3.255 V 3.255 V
Cell #09 Cell #10 Cell #11 Cell #12 Cell #13 Cell #14 Cell #15 Cell #16
3.253 V 3.254 V 3.254 V 3.255 V 3.258 V 3.255 V 3.257 V 3.255 V
pack voltage and current cell voltages
pack temperature
Voltage 52.08 V Cell (MIN/MAX) 3.250 V / 3.257 V (0.007 V)
Current/Power 0.00 A (0 W) Runtime Stand-by
Remain Capacity/Energy 34.5 Ah (1.8 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 99.2 Ah (5.1 kWh)
State Of Charge 34.8 % State Of Health 99.2 %
Temperature 24.6 °C Cycle 65
MOSFET CFET = ON, DFET = ON Reported 2023-08-24 23:58
Cell #01 Cell #02 Cell #03 Cell #04 Cell #05 Cell #06 Cell #07 Cell #08
3.250 V 3.255 V 3.253 V 3.257 V 3.254 V 3.255 V 3.254 V 3.257 V
Cell #09 Cell #10 Cell #11 Cell #12 Cell #13 Cell #14 Cell #15 Cell #16
3.255 V 3.254 V 3.254 V 3.255 V 3.254 V 3.255 V 3.255 V 3.255 V
pack voltage and current cell voltages
pack temperature