Date Offset  [+30][+10][+05][+01][-01][-05][-10][-30]

Importing from grid by 0.315 kW
09/25/2024 05:14 (1582 days) Production Consumption NET Usage
Now 0.000 kW 0.315 kW 0.315 kW
Today 0.000 kWh (0.000 kW) 1.599 kWh (0.304 kW) 1.599 kWh (0.304 kW)
  - This Week 43.452 kWh (13.501 kWh/day) 26.585 kWh (8.260 kWh/day) -16.867 kWh (-5.241 kWh/day)
  - This Month 556.823 kWh (22.990 kWh/day) 306.866 kWh (12.670 kWh/day) -249.957 kWh (-10.320 kWh/day)
  - This Year 5.455 MWh (20.338 kWh/day) 4.750 MWh (17.710 kWh/day) -0.705 MWh (-2.628 kWh/day)
Yesterday 10.320 kWh (0.430 kW) 10.385 kWh (0.433 kW) 0.065 kWh (0.003 kW)
Last 7 Days 117.193 kWh (16.744 kWh/day) 68.034 kWh (9.720 kWh/day) -49.159 kWh (-7.023 kWh/day)
Last 30 Days 669.888 kWh (22.330 kWh/day) 389.887 kWh (12.996 kWh/day) -280.001 kWh (-9.333 kWh/day)
Last One Year 6.589 MWh (18.052 kWh/day) 6.447 MWh (17.662 kWh/day) -0.142 MWh (-0.390 kWh/day)
Lifetime Since PTO 28.178 MWh (17.809 kW/day) 30.429 MWh (19.232 kW/day) 2.251 MWh (1.423 kW/day)
Lifetime Since Install 28.212 MWh 31.009 MWh 2.797 MWh
Voltage/Current 250.2 V / 0.0 A 250.2 V / 1.3 A 250.2 V / 1.3 A
Meter Accumulated Grid Votlage

Recent Report Data/Time 09/11/2020 23:24 (12.3 hours) Number of Devices 16 set
Current Power 0.000 kW (0.000 kW/panel) Today Energy 17.860 kWh
Group Serial Number Model Status Power (kW) [Flag] Energy (kWh) [Monthly] Group
Now Max Today Yesterday 7 days Average Total
porch 01 - 202232127871 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.281 1.245 0.867 10.946 0.000 kW
1.240 kWh
0.000 kW
7.440 kWh
02 - 202244177619 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.279 1.233 0.856 10.841
03 - 202224101754 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.280 1.260 0.869 11.050
04 - 202232127100 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.280 1.246 0.861 11.026
05 - 202244171601 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.279 1.227 0.848 10.509
06 - 202245013024 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.278 1.229 0.855 10.502
front 07 - 202206091803 IQ7+ V--- 0.000 0.295 1.334 0.826 10.914 0.000 kW
1.351 kWh
0.000 kW
6.754 kWh
08 - 202245013989 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.297 1.343 0.822 10.636
09 - 202217001404 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.296 1.316 0.833 10.833
10 - 202244165234 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.296 1.389 0.840 11.138
11 - 202224104308 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.295 1.372 0.832 11.105
back 12 - 202211186551 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.209 0.922 0.781 9.577 0.000 kW
0.917 kWh
0.000 kW
3.667 kWh
13 - 202223042463 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.215 0.891 0.782 9.382
14 - 202216155993 IQ7+ ---- 0.000 0.212 0.937 0.791 9.617
15 - 202245015670 IQ7+M ---- 0.000 0.204 0.918 0.781 9.475
wind 16 - 122214035120 IQ7PD ---- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 kW
0.000 kWh
0.000 kW
0.000 kWh
Panel Layout Each Group Production

Warning: array_push() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\wamp64\www\solar\status_battery_inc.php on line 215

Warning: array_push() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\wamp64\www\solar\status_battery_inc.php on line 215

Warning: array_push() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\wamp64\www\solar\status_battery_inc.php on line 215

Warning: array_push() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in C:\wamp64\www\solar\status_battery_inc.php on line 215

Battery History
Voltage 57.61 V Current/Power 179.86 A (10.362 kW)
Remain Capacity/Energy 582.0 Ah (29.8 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 591.0 Ah (30.3 kWh)
State Of Charge 98.5 % State Of Health 98.5 %
Run Time 3m to full Report Date 2020-09-11 23:59
voltag, current for each battery pack voltage, current, and SOC temperature for each battery pack

Voltage 57.61 V Cell (MIN/MAX) 3.583 V / 3.607 V (0.024 V)
Current/Power 0.00 A (0 W) Runtime Stand-by
Remain Capacity/Energy 194.0 Ah (9.9 kWh) Full Capacity/Energy 197.0 Ah (10.1 kWh)
State Of Charge 98.5 % State Of Health 98.5 %
Temperature 24.5 °C Cycle 25
MOSFET CFET = ON, DFET = ON Reported 2020-09-11 23:59
Cell #01 Cell #02 Cell #03 Cell #04 Cell #05 Cell #06 Cell #07 Cell #08
3.597 V 3.600 V 3.602 V 3.583 V 3.589 V 3.599 V 3.603 V 3.603 V
Cell #09 Cell #10 Cell #11 Cell #12 Cell #13 Cell #14 Cell #15 Cell #16
3.600 V 3.601 V 3.603 V 3.603 V 3.603 V 3.603 V 3.607 V 3.607 V
pack voltage and current cell voltages
pack temperature
Voltage - Cell (MIN/MAX) - / -
Current/Power - Runtime -
Remain Capacity/Energy - Full Capacity/Energy -
State Of Charge - State Of Health -
Temperature - Cycle -
MOSFET - Reported -
Voltage - Cell (MIN/MAX) - / -
Current/Power - Runtime -
Remain Capacity/Energy - Full Capacity/Energy -
State Of Charge - State Of Health -
Temperature - Cycle -
MOSFET - Reported -
Voltage - Cell (MIN/MAX) - / -
Current/Power - Runtime -
Remain Capacity/Energy - Full Capacity/Energy -
State Of Charge - State Of Health -
Temperature - Cycle -
MOSFET - Reported -
Voltage - Cell (MIN/MAX) - / -
Current/Power - Runtime -
Remain Capacity/Energy - Full Capacity/Energy -
State Of Charge - State Of Health -
Temperature - Cycle -
MOSFET - Reported -